S1E01: Centering Joy, and Why Non-Scientific Diversity Trainings Fail
In this premier episode, we introduce the core idea behind our podcast and why we want to emphasize and center our “Diverse Joy.” What’s bringing us joy this episode is the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser and the new acronym for diversity work, JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion). We also discuss the widespread issue of non-tested bias and diversity trainings, and how they often make bias problems worse. Answering our first "audience" question, we reflect on "positive biases" and whether bias is always a bad thing. To develop our JEDI skills, we learn about the habit model as a scientifically validated method of cognitive-behavioral change. Our recommendation for something bringing us joy is the NBC show “Grand Crew” starring the hilarious Nicole Byer.
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