S1E02: What is "Professional" Anyway? With Guest Sandy Eichel

With special guest Sandy Eichel, we share our joy about gardening and working with kids. We discuss ways that stale notions of "professionalism" can stifle authenticity and increase marginalization. People are happier and more productive when they can authentically express themselves through their appearance. In other words, we celebrate Sartorial Joy! We also share our perspectives on how to start diversity discussions in workplaces that aren't talking about diversity issues. To develop our bias habit-breaking skills, we learn to watch out for Norm Enforcement as one way that biases play out. Sandy's joyful recommendation is the fantastic TV show, "Schitt's Creek."

Learn more about Sandy at SandyEichel.com.

The episode can be found below, by following the podcast wherever you get podcasts, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, RSSFeed, Amazon/Audible, Google Podcasts, or by subscribing to @BiasHabit on YouTube.


S1E03: Joyful Facets of Identity: Get to Know Us and Our Backgrounds!


S1E01: Centering Joy, and Why Non-Scientific Diversity Trainings Fail